tara leigh coons
this site the web

Progress 1.23.09

Shoot! I'm late!
I was so into my brainstorming that I totally forgot--then went to go watch a few eps of Numb3rs and Shit it's like 3am!!

I had a great day!
I outlined the BIG BAD for The Zoe Group thanks to some help from a few friends of the UK and Kiwi persuasion! Thanks girls! YOU ROCK!!

And I revised my outline for SIN = Strength In Numbers. WOOT!!
I think the name of this book fits even MORE now based on what I've got going on.

*excited jumps*



SoulGirl said...

LOL well done - glad you got the outline done and that your international influences could assist you on this occasion ;) hehe.

Gooood job!

Cari Quinn said...

Wooohooo is right! Glad you figured out the Big Bad and got your outline done - can't wait to hear alllll about it! :)

Great job, gf!


wip - cross purposes

december's project is to get my nanowrimo from 2008 in shape to get it the hell out of here. here's hoping that it is salvageable since I wrote it over a year ago, and boy has my style changed.