tara leigh coons
this site the web

Progress 2.9.09

It was a GOOD day!
I kept off the internet for a majority of the day today, actually. I got a lot of work done. Even finished a chapter of HOME.


2300 words. *ping* One goal down for the week already! YAY!

Job interview tomorrow! So I'll be in and out all day.


Cari Quinn said...

WOOOOOHOOOOO...2300 words! And one goal accomplished already...VERY NICE! :)

I'll be thinking about you tomorrow! I know you'll ace it. :)

Helen Hardt said...

It's amazing what staying off the internet does. Of course, I wouldn't know, LOL.

Good luck on your interview!

The Goddess Hathor said...

Good luck with the job interview today!

~ Hath


wip - cross purposes

december's project is to get my nanowrimo from 2008 in shape to get it the hell out of here. here's hoping that it is salvageable since I wrote it over a year ago, and boy has my style changed.