tara leigh coons
this site the web

Goal ending 2/8


Can I tell you how much I hate being an ARIES sometimes?!

I hate it today.

Okay--Cari gave me a challenge and damn if I can say no to them. FUCKING HELL...excuse the swearing. It's helping me cope. LOL

2 days this week--Internet 1hr. OMG. IT HURT ME TO EVEN FREAKIN' TYPE IT! THE REAL DAY....Not the TARA DAY.


Sweet Baby Jesus. I'm gonna die.


Monday and Wed this week 1hr of Internet. *hyperventilates*
15 pages of CP
1 Chapter of HOME.

Bonus: 1 Chapter of HOME
Mini: Idea for Writer's Digest Challenge 4K words.


Cari Quinn said...

You can do it, gf! While you're offline, just think of the porny goodness we'll release on the world on V-day. ;)

My verification word is quite appropriate, I think: CRYMA LOL

TaraLeigh said...

I do hate you. I don't know how you do it. And omg---I might kill someone since I'm ALSO RAGGING!

Ahem. TMI? Perhaps.



Suck it CryMa.


Good thing I love you woman.
I mean seriously.


SoulGirl said...

LMAO Ohh man you poor woman. What a GOAL! Well hell no excuse for NOT meeting those writing goals this week.

I'll miss you! lol..stupid time diff, but this will be good for you and a challenge and if nothing else to help you focus again.

Go you good thing! See you in 24 ;) apart from A email or two ROTF... oh man.

Neurotic said...

I a not sure I understand that first goal. My self-preserving common sense refuses to comprehend that sentence!!!

But what kinda porny goodness Cari speaks of? And does that include Bella & Jon vampire sex?

Maybe torturing you is not a bad idea after all *cackle* lmao

Helen Hardt said...

Porny goodness?

I'm intrigued.


wip - cross purposes

december's project is to get my nanowrimo from 2008 in shape to get it the hell out of here. here's hoping that it is salvageable since I wrote it over a year ago, and boy has my style changed.