tara leigh coons
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Goals ending 5/10

Oh man.
Didn't think I'd ever actually post this. I'm finishing Home this week!

4 chapters to end this sucker. Sweet Baby Jesus!

So I'm giving myself a little extra time---all the way to Sunday. 3 chapters and an Epilogue. I know, I know...epi's. *sigh* Unnecc. Pfffft. I want my happy ending and that's where the Epi goes, dammit. LOL

I'll also be cleaning up the blog to make sure that the songs are in the correct chapters and the downloads are available in the Live acct. Whew!

Then onto SIN. WOOT!!


Cari Quinn said...

Sweet Baby Jesus is right! You can so do this...and I can't wait to read the results! And I see there's a new FF coming, too...woot! Multi-task much, us? Nooooo. LOL

And more SIN...Jake, I've missed you so. ;)


wip - cross purposes

december's project is to get my nanowrimo from 2008 in shape to get it the hell out of here. here's hoping that it is salvageable since I wrote it over a year ago, and boy has my style changed.