tara leigh coons
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Daily 3.11.09

Progress---pretty good.
Worked on Home today--SIN tomorrow--I'm in the Jon zone right now, so I didn't want to move away from it. Hoping to have the chapter done by tonight.

Right now, I'm at 4 pages.


Video of the day...A new addition to my Daily Blog.

Gee...I know a few of you won't be surprised to see this one. LOL
But another one, she might just oooh and ahh into a puddle. Enjoy, Kiwi. ;)


KiwiGoddess said...

LOL oh man, had to be THAT song too. *sigh* I lub him.... seriously.

Good job on the writes, keep it up looking forward to it all ;)

Cari Quinn said...

Woooooohoooooo on Home! :)

Beeeeautiful new header, Tara! Music obsession about covers it, LOL.

And I'll be looking out for those daily video blogs. Lovin' Matt's!


wip - cross purposes

december's project is to get my nanowrimo from 2008 in shape to get it the hell out of here. here's hoping that it is salvageable since I wrote it over a year ago, and boy has my style changed.